It's official. The big one. The one I've been waiting for since I was nine and ten years old.

Are you ready?

It might be too big to handle.


I'm going to study in LONDON for Fall semester 2009!!!!!!


Ever since I was Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden at age nine, and ever since my sister did a study abroad in London in the year 2000, I have wanted to go to Great Britain. I didn't want to just visit there, mind you. I knew visiting wouldn't be long enough. In fact, when I was considering which London program to apply to, I didn't even really want to apply to the summer or spring terms, because then I'd only be there for six weeks. Fall. That was the right semester. I'd be there while the weather was still nice for a little bit, I'd see autumn and Christmas in England, and I'd be able to do and see and take in more while I was there. (Hm. I'm speaking in future past tense. Odd.)

As it turns out, my interview with my professor to determine whether or not I would get into the program must have gone pretty well, because they (the faculty in charge of the program) offered me a position as the student facilitator for the program. That means I'll be kind of like a TA/secretary for the program; any questions students have in preparation to go have to go through me, all passport/travel/financial arrangements have to go through me, and I'll be helping some (I think--as far as I understand) with planning and helping with the preparation class that everyone takes in order to get ready to go. Sweet. And once we get there, I'll do those same kinds of logistical and administrative things. The nice thing is, it is another job, so I will be making some extra money, but it's only 5-10 hours a week, so it won't keep me from having a lovely time in Britain. I was really surprised that they asked me--I didn't think the interview went that well, but I guess they're nice, and so is God. Good grief, this world is full of good people. Hope I do okay.

All in all, I'm stoked. Beyond all reason. And it's only going to get better from here, folks. Look out, Queen I come! :)

2 Responses
  1. Woah! Congrats Lisa! I didn't know this, way much coolness for you.

  2. Sharon Says:

    Um, by the way, you're a dork.

    You have a blog, and you don't tell me about it for 2 months? Just throwing that out there.

    AND, we need to figure out when I'm coming to Engelond... :)

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